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CAD $100.00
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Includes: a stainless steel bristled brush along with a long scraper featuring a tough steel blade and an ergonomic handle. Efficiently removes the hardened buildup on the burn pot surface and holes, as well as the outlet of the pellet supply auger housing. A Ø4" (102 mm) chimney brush (1/4"-20 thread) with flexible rods allowing cleaning up to 10 feet (3.04m). To ease maintenance of exhaust systems with offsets. A nylon bristled tapered brush with a long steel rod and a wooden handle. Ideal for tight spaces and diameters between 1" (25 mm) and 2 1/4" (57 mm). A glass cleaner (500 mL-16.9 fl.oz.). Used regularly, it prevents permanent stains on the glass.

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